Mechanicsville Civic Association
Jason has been an active and committed member of the Mechanicsville community. Originally serving as Communications Chair for the Mechanicsville Civic Association, Jason worked to connect neighbors with one another by building our community website and establishing our neighborhood newsletter. Jason eventually served as Vice President of the Board of Directors for MCA, working tirelessly to bridge the gap between the neighborhoods’ middle-class and poor residents.
Turner Field Community Benefits Coalition
Jason served as the Communications Chair for the Turner Field Community Benefits Coalition, a collaborative of neighbors, community groups, churches, and business seeking to obtain a binding, legal Community Benefits Agreement between Georgia State University and the neighborhoods surrounding Turner Field. Jason also helped draft the CBA proposal, providing insight into crime and safety, infrastructure, and transportation best practices.
AVLF NPU-V Resident Advisory Board
Jason currently serves as a member of the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyer Foundation’s Neighborhood Planning Unit V Resident Advisory Board. This board provides input to AVLF’s Standing with Our Neighbors Initiative, which aims to improve living conditions and housing stability in low- income neighborhoods-all to improve resident health, increase school attendance, and reduce school withdrawals.
NPU-V Green Infrastructure Advocate
Jason currently serves as a NPU-V Green Infrastructure Advocate for the Turner Field communities. As an advocate, Jason has partnered with organizations such as ECO-Action and American Rivers to ensure green stormwater infrastructure and community equity is a mandatory consideration in new development projects through an informed community engagement process.